
Whether Autotune is enabled for this domain. You can also adjust this setting from the Dashboard.

For autotune to be available, you need:
1. To be on a plan that supports autotune
2. We recommend having a 'catch all' waiting room on your domain. Without a catch-all room, CrowdHandler may not receive enough website performance data to properly support autotune's operation.

Rate per minute

This is the ingress rate at which users should be allowed onto this domain, before they are required to wait in a waiting room. If Autotune is on, this rate will be set automatically based on the page performance factors detailed below.

Maximum Slow Requests percent

The maximum slow requests percentage determines how many page requests should be able to exceed the request threshold before autotune should bring the rate down. It defaults to 2%. i.e. in the default settings, Autotune will start bringing the ingress rate down when more than 2% of your pages are taking longer than 5 seconds to load.

Slow request threshold

The request threshold determines how long a healthy page load on your site should take. It defaults to 5,000ms (5s).

One in one out

Limits the number of active sessions allowed on your domain. If you switch on this feature, then CrowdHandler will maintain the number of active sessions specified on your site. The rate will still be respected, but once you reach the active user threshold users will only be added as existing active sessions expire.

Suffering from session anxiety? 
If you are worrying about how we count sessions, what session timeout to set, how to perfectly align with your own session system or how to make sure inactive sessions are not holding up the queue, then you are not alone. This article is for you: 

Session Management in CrowdHandler: What You Need to Know

Track stock availability

When One in one out is enabled you can choose to have CrowdHandler manage the maximum active sessions based on the total stock available on all active waiting rooms for this domain. When enabled, this feature will update the maximum active session threshold every minute to maintain parity with available stock. If you have 500 items available, maximum active sessions will automatically be set to 500. As your stock beings to sell, the active session threshold will decrease preventing overselling. To enable this feature check Track stock availability.

For more information about stock availability take a look at our guide Stock Availability

Destroy session on checkout

Check this if you want a session to be destroyed based when the user hits a url path that you can set. This is typically an order confirmation page.

When users hit this url their session is destroyed and they will be returned to the waiting room if they navigate to a protected url.

This field accepts regular expressions.

When using a Shopify deployment you will need to take a few extra steps in order to take advantage of this feature. For more information follow our guide Shopify - Destroy session on checkout

Session Expiry Timeout

The timeout setting controls how many minutes can elapse after we get a request from a user, before that session is deleted. If a user requests no pages after this amount of time, then if they do reconnect they will start a new CrowdHandler session, and could potentially re-join a waiting room at the back of the queue. Why wouldn't you just set this number as high as possible to be safe? Well if this number is too high, your legitimate users can end up queued behind positions that are held open for users who have actually long-departed. Or if you are using the One In One Out feature, you could be preventing new users from becoming active on your site, because you are holding open active sessions for users that are no longer there. CrowdHandler defaults to 15 minutes, which typically strikes the right balance.

Allow sessions to expire while waiting.

If this feature is enabled, then session expiry will happen to waiting users, not just active users. i.e. if a user leaves the waiting room (by closing their browser or tab) then their position in the queue will be released after the session times out. If this feature is unchecked, then queue positions will be held for waiting users indefinitely, a user will be able to close their browser and come back at an unspecified point in the future, and will still maintain their queue position. Note that disabling this feature can result in a large number of queue positions being taken up by users who are no-longer interested, which can result in longer queue times and higher position numbers.

Device fingerprinting

Device fingerprinting can be set to None, Basic or Advanced.

More information about Device fingerprinting, see this guide Device Fingerprinting